Assignment 1

Meet PVS


  1. Copy the PVS source files A.pvs, B.pvs, and C.pvs to an appropriate place on your computer (which should already have PVS installed on it).
  2. Move to the directory containing the files and invoke pvs5. Using PVS, prove all the theorems in each file. Further instructions, restricting what proof-commands to use, are included as comments in these source files.
  3. When you are done proving the theorems, while still in PVS, enter the command M-x prove-pvs-file to generate a buffer containing a status report. Save this buffer (using C-x C-w) under the name A.status (B.status, C.status respectively).
  4. PVS has now created new files, A.prf, and B.prf and C.prf recording the proofs you have done; and A.status, B.status and C.status recording the status of your work. The files C.* should be handed in via Blackboard, using the corresponding assignment.

    Notes and Hints: